*The closing date for this has now passed (26th April 2024). For further information or any queries related to applications or offers of the sponsorship please contact Dr. Stella Owens at stella.owens@tusla.ie.
Exciting sponsorship opportunity for students interested in a career working with children and families!
Tusla is the Child and Family Agency responsible for improving wellbeing and outcomes for children in Ireland. They recently announced a sponsorship programme for students pursuing a Masters in Social Work. Tusla will provide €5000 for each of the two academic years of the course. Students will then take a full-time permanent position with Tusla for a minimum of 3 years upon successful completion of the Masters in Social Work course.
There are currently six social work education and training providers:
- Atlantic Technological University
- Maynooth University
- Trinity College Dublin
- University College Cork
- University College Dublin
- University of Galway.
For more information and a step by step breakdown of how to apply for the sponsorship visit tusla.ie/msw.
If you have any questions about grants, sponsorships or financial support for college, you can also chat online to a trained Youth Information Officer or contact us on yicsligo.ncycs@gmail.com or 085 8041020 (WhatsApp) and we can get back to you.