The Sligo Leitrim Directory of Services website provides official listings of services for children, young people and families in Sligo and Leitrim. This includes information on health, mental health, education, disability, youth, childcare and other services. The purpose of this website is to provide one central point of information on services for children, young people and families in Sligo and Leitrim.
The key groups of people this website hopes to support are:
- Service providers (e.g. schools, youth services, health services, statutory agencies, voluntary groups, etc.)
- Adults working with children, young people and families
- Parents / guardians / carers
- Young people
Sligo Leitrim Directory New Look!
Recently the Sligo Leitrim Directory website underwent some changes based on the feedback of young people, to make it easier to use and find the service that meets your need in your area. To find a service best suited for you, visit www.sligoleitrimdirectory.ie. Choose from up to three options to filter the search results based on your age, location and the type of support you would like. Or, for a more detailed search, click on the Advanced Search option and select from the criteria available on this page.
The video below shows a quick demo of how to use the simple search on the site:
Want to be listed in our directory?
Services must:
- Be based in Sligo / Leitrim or provide a service to children, young people or families (0 to 24 years of age, plus pre-birth services) in Sligo / Leitrim
- Be a state supported or not for profit service or agency
- Be non-political and non-commercial
Click here to request registration of your service.
For any updates to your existing listing, please contact admin@sligoleitrimdirectory.ie.
If you have any questions about supports or services available in your area, you can also chat online to a trained Youth Information Officer or contact us on yicsligo.ncycs@gmail.com or 085 8041020 (WhatsApp) and we can get back to you.