This Your Place Your Space (UBU) Project is based in the Millview Crescent Community Centre Ballina and funded by the DCYA, in partnership with MSLETB. The project works with young people 10-24 years in Ballina in partnership with young people, parents and volunteers.
Main Services provided include
Targeted Youth Work Provision provided by:
- Centre based in Millview Crescent Community Centre.
- Outreach focused on Killala Road and other identified areas in the Ballina area.
Young people are engaged by the following methods:
- Face to face meetings via Detached/Outreach youth work.
- Contact with local community services e.g. Schools, Sports Clubs etc.
- Meeting with key allied services Tusla, CYPSC, CAMHS over youth projects.
- Development and implementation of a Referral Systems
Contact Details:
Youth Development Worker: Michelle Gallagher
Tel: 083 095 7802
Youth Development Worker: Eoin Gallagher
Tel: 083 095 7789
Millview Crescent Community Centre, Ballina, Co. Mayo
Tel: 096 70615