Remember you don’t have to know all the answers, there are always lots of options out there. Whatever your query you can chat to us at the Sligo Youth Information Centre to discuss any questions and concerns you have. We can go through your options, and help you choose what is best for you. We can help with the following and lots more…….
- Covid19 Support, Advice and Information
- Anxiety, Stress and Wellbeing Support
- Leaving Cert Student Support
- Further Education & Training Options
- Writing a CV & Interview Skills
- Finding a Job during Covid 19
- Unemployment Benefits
- Going to College – CAO, Course Choices, College Application
- College Deferral / Thinking of Dropping Out
- Accommodation
- SUSI Student Grant Applications & Scholarships
- Apprenticeships/Traineeships
- Rights and Entitlements
- LGBT Support
- Internet Safety & CyberBullying
Contact us on 085 8041020 / 089 4820330 Call, Text or WhatsApp
Email: yicsligo.ncycs@gmail.com (Anne Brennan) or catherinemcann.ncycs@gmail.com.
You can also reach us through https://www.facebook.com/yic.sligo/ or https://twitter.com/Ncycs