October is #WorldMentalHealthMonth and today, 10th October 2023 is World Mental Health Day 2023. Everyone deserves to have the support they need to maintain their mental health as best as they possibly can. This year’s theme is that mental health is a human right. The below information highlights some of the national and local supports for people to help them on their mental health journey.
National & Local Mental Health Recovery Supports
Aware is a national organisation that provides free support, education and information services to people impacted by anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and related mood conditions. They provide support to people via a Support Line and Support Mail which are available seven days a week as well as Support & Self Care Groups that take place daily.
Freephone 1800 80 48 48 (Available Monday to Sunday,10am – 10pm)
Email supportmail@aware.ie
Aware Website
Grow Mental Health is a charity organisation that delivers Mental Health Education Programmes. The aim of these programmes is to increase awareness of Mental Health and to focus on the importance of maintaining one’s own Mental Health and general sense of wellbeing. They offer in person support groups, online meetings and an Infoline to people seeking information or support with managing their mental health.
Info Line: 0 818 474 474
Grow Website
Mental Health Ireland
Mental Health Ireland is a charity in Ireland that aims to promote and enhance mental health, wellbeing and recovery for all individuals and communities. They aim to support people with lived experience of mental health challenges and their supporters and family members in their recovery through workshops, education, campaigns and fundraising. One of the ways they help to support mental health is through the 5 Ways to Wellbeing program, designed to help you improve your own wellbeing step by step.
(01) 284 1166
Mental Health Ireland Website

Five Ways to Wellbeing
Pieta House Bereavement
Pieta House provides free, therapeutic approach to people who are in suicidal distress, engage in self-harm, or bereaved by suicide. They have a 24-hour freephone crisis helpline which is managed by qualified and professional therapists. They also have a Therapy Services team which is available to support you with accessing their free therapy services and provide information about therapy for you or someone you are concerned about. No referral is needed.
24-hour Crisis Helpline: Free Phone 1800 247 247 or Text ‘HELP’ to 51444
Therapy Services team for free 1:1 therapy: 0818 111 126
Pieta House Website
Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide. They offer support via phone, email, letter, the Samaritans Self Help app or in person in one of their branches located all across Ireland. The Sligo Samaritans branch is located at 3 The Mall, Rathquarter, Sligo, F91 KC61.
Freephone 116 123
Email jo@samaritans.org
Samaritans Website
Text About It
Text About It is a free, anonymous, 24/7 messaging service providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support for mental health and wellbeing. To start a conversation, text the word ‘HELLO’ for free to 50808
Counselling in Primary Care (Sligo & Leitrim)
Counselling in Primary Care Service (CIPC) provides counselling to adults and young people over 18 years across Ireland. This service is available to people who are medical card holders and experiencing mild to moderate psychological and emotional difficulties such as depression, anxiety, panic reactions, relationship problems, loss issues, and stress. To avail of the service, a referral is needed from your GP or a member of your local primary care team. Contact details for Counselling in Primary Care services in your area are available here.
Havin A Laugh Charity
This charity organisation based in Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal, Mayo and Cavan promotes positive mental health through fun and revitalizing activities in the outdoors or community. Havin’ a Laugh gives activity vouchers to people in mental health recovery, providing people with the opportunity to re-engage with activities they love.
Phone:+353 87782261
Email: info.havinalaugh@gmail.com
Havin A Laugh Website
North West STOP is voluntary community-based organisation that works to prevent suicide by informing, educating and promoting positive mental health. They also provide counselling free of charge for all ages.
For counselling call 0818 444 000
Email: info@northweststop.ie
NorthWestStop Website
Sligo Leitrim Directory
The Sligo Leitrim Directory website provides official listings of services for children, young people and families in Sligo and Leitrim. This includes information on mental health services and supports. You can filter your search to show a list of available organisations related to your needs in your area.
Sligo Leitrim Directory Website
If you have any questions about supports available for your mental health, you can also chat online to a trained Youth Information Officer or contact us on yicsligo.ncycs@gmail.com or 085 8041020 (WhatsApp) and we can get back to you.